5 Tips to Help Struggling Sales Reps | SalesDirector.ai

5 Tips to Help Struggling Sales Reps

It is estimated that the turnover rate for salespeople is roughly 27%, according to the Harvard Business Review.  What this boils down to is that out of 4 of your reps 1 will be gone within the next year. The turnover in the sales industry is double that in other industries. As salespeople know, sales is a very tough job. All salespeople, no matter how good they are at their job are bound to hit a few low quarters. As a good manager, it is your focus to help your sales reps during times like this even if their quota is nowhere near the mark.

Use the Team Effort Approach

As the sales manager, you incorporate the team mentality into the equation. Make it known to your sales reps that if they are facing struggles that you are right along there with them. And, you are all going to come together and help pick each other up. Just remember that talk is cheap. Don’t just use the words that you care about your team you have to show it in your actions. So, on a Friday it doesn’t mean that that you leave the office early knowing that some of your reps aren’t making their sales quota. You, as the manager, must be the one to lead and motivate. Take the initiative to sit down with them and begin making sales calls. The rep that is struggling will be shown that they are part of a team and supported.

Help with Organization

Everyone benefits from doing a bit of cleaning in both their personal and business lives. After a long period, it feels good to get rid of the old and spruce things up a bit. Its comparable to cleaning out a closet that is too full and getting rid of things and reorganizing. The feeling of accomplishment is fulfilling.
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Resource URL:- https://www.salesdirector.ai/blog/2020/04/21/5-tips-to-help-struggling-sales-reps/

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